Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to analyze my samples?

Probably not as fast as you'd like.  Sometimes it is as fast as a week, and sometimes it take many months.  There are many steps in the process:  sample preparation, MS data acquisition, data analysis, and biological inference. Sometimes samples can get stuck in one or more steps of this process due to current commitments.  Additionally, since we operate in a collaborative mode, we prioritize already funded projects over those not yet funded. 


Do you do metabolomics?

Not really.  Currently, none of our team members have experience in this area.  We are hoping to expand into this area in the future. 


How many replicates do I need?

We require 3-4 biological replicates for all quantitative experiments to ensure sufficient statistical power.


Do you do TMT quantification experiments?

Not really.  99% of the quantification experiments we do are label-free quantification, primarily by data-independent acquisition (DIA), but also by data-dependent acquisition (DDA).  As such we simply aren't that competent in TMT-based sample preparation and data analysis.


Do you still have my raw data files from a while ago?

In most cases the answer is YES. We store all raw data files for 7 years. 99% of the time that is long enough for a project to wrap up and be published, at which point the raw data will exist in public repositiores. Please note however, that it can take 1-2 weeks to retrieve older data from archived storage.